Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter and Chuck E Cheese

Mavi and Tyler riding on the monster truck at Chuck E Cheese. Mavi clowning around in the bassinet. Keenan has the CUTEST smile! Mavi was thrilled with his Easter basket. Really. :)
Well, we've had a pleasant week. Thank god we didn't get the 6-12 inches of snow that was predicted. Keenan has been smiling up a storm and talking to all of his toys. We got a couple great shots. Maveric is starting to stay in bed a little better (especially if it's daddy that puts him down), but we still put him in the crib for nap. Mavi got to go to Chuck E Cheese for the first time for his cousin Caleb's fifth birthday. He loved the rides and wanted to do all of the big kid things, but settled for playing in the toddler area. He got to touch Chuck E- y'know, the giant rat walking around, and loved it. Also, the Easter Bunny came, but he couldn't hide eggs because we had 3 inches of snow, so he just left Mavi a little basket.


Jace and Lexa said...

chuck-e-cheese!! Way cool! You guys are lucky!! I miss you,

Tyler and Caleb said...
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Tyler and Caleb said...

Let's just say, it won't be the last trip to ChuckECheeses, cuz its a real cool place to be a kid. AND... Aunt Marni needs a basketball rematch with Uncle Eric - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! LoL - good times guys, good times. And to answer your question: the buffet is closed until further notice :o)

Jace and Lexa said...

Hi guys-
My mommy wanted to tell you that she is leaving the duct taping to your mommy. :)
Love ya-

Jace and Lexa said...

Hi Mav and Keenan-
My mommy wanted me to tell you that she got your mommy's message just now and she can't believe how big you guys are. Keenan--you might be bigger than me now!!! Preston's mommy also thinks we look alike! How cool! See ya soon!