Saturday, April 28, 2007

What a Week!!!!

Yay! We finally got our double stroller. Now I can take walks with both kids and the dog.
We went to the zoo last Saturday and Maveric got out of the stroller and checked out all of the animals. Here he is ignoring Mommy's demands for him to smile and is pointing out the elephant instead. Maveric got to eat his first ice cream cone with a little help.

Our little Rockies fan is so happy to show off his new hat.

Maveric got to help Mommy wash dishes for the first time.

Maveric is wearing his superman cape given to us by Grandma Austin. Who knew a dish towel could turn Mavi into a super hero? He is also taking a picture of Mommy.

Daddy finally decided to try the baby bjorn. This awesome invention is Keenan's favorite place to be. AND it leaves your hands free to put Mavi on your shoulders. Backache???


Maveric is pretending to be baby "Kee".

Of course when I try to pose my little angel he chooses not to look at the camera but at the lion instead. Oh well.

This is what Keenan thought of the zoo. He fell asleep on the way there and woke up in the garage once we were home.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I LOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!!! The ball popper from Nana Cook is way fun! See my tongue!!!!
Maveric walked around with this tupperware bowl on his head while singing at the top of his lungs for almost 20 minutes. Crazy kid!!
Is this the corniest face or what???
Our little chunky man!
Nice bib! We had a great week! The boys went to see Dr. Lisa on Tuesday and both are 50th percentile for height and 25th percentile for head circumference. But Mavi is not on the chart for weight (only 20 pounds) and Keenan is 75th percentile for weight (12 pounds 9 oz). So they will soon be weighing the same and Mommy will only have to buy one size of clothes that will fit both of them!! Our little preemie baby is not so preemie. Keenan got 4 shots and Mavi got 2, but they both have healed and were only screaming and mad for a minute or two. Keenan has finally started laughing while he's awake which is just too cute. He loves to talk and I can understand him almost as well as I understand Maveric. Poor kid, he talks all the time, but we can only understand half of what he says! Have a good weekend!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter and Chuck E Cheese

Mavi and Tyler riding on the monster truck at Chuck E Cheese. Mavi clowning around in the bassinet. Keenan has the CUTEST smile! Mavi was thrilled with his Easter basket. Really. :)
Well, we've had a pleasant week. Thank god we didn't get the 6-12 inches of snow that was predicted. Keenan has been smiling up a storm and talking to all of his toys. We got a couple great shots. Maveric is starting to stay in bed a little better (especially if it's daddy that puts him down), but we still put him in the crib for nap. Mavi got to go to Chuck E Cheese for the first time for his cousin Caleb's fifth birthday. He loved the rides and wanted to do all of the big kid things, but settled for playing in the toddler area. He got to touch Chuck E- y'know, the giant rat walking around, and loved it. Also, the Easter Bunny came, but he couldn't hide eggs because we had 3 inches of snow, so he just left Mavi a little basket.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Big Boy Bed and Smiles!

There he goes... Mommy can always get Keenie to smile Keenan's smiling again! First time we caught it on camera. Nice boob shot too!
A bronco fan already...
Rock star Mavi with a mohawk
Again, Keenan is thrilled to have our playmate Maddux over
Mavi and Maddux eating lunch
He actually slept in the fire truck bed the first night
Hip hip hooray! Mavi loves his new big boy bed
Ok, HALLELUJAH winter is OVER!
Keenan and Mavi have had an exciting week. Keenan has started letting us take pictures of him smiling. And boy, is it a cute smile or what??? I even have some better shots for next week. Sorry about the cleavage, bad angle. Maveric got his big boy bed and did great going to sleep in it for the first few nights. Then he figured out that he can climb out of it and play with toys. Boo. After a couple rough nights (me finding him on the floor asleep), I hope he will realize that his bed is way more comfortable than the floor. We'll see... Mavi is still enjoying his friend Maddux, but Keenan is not quite as thrilled. We had some great weather last week so we got to explore the yard and check out the dirt. Thank god for Oxiclean.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Yay, finally mommy has figured out how to blog! Keenan has finally mastered smiling, but won't do it long enough for anyone to capture it on film. We'll keep trying tho. Maveric has a head injury after a haircut from mom, but is now healed and doing well. Instead of crying, he now only gives mommy dirty looks when she gets the scissors out. Maveric loved the snow we got a couple days ago and ate quite a few snow balls. Sasha is still our #1 girl and even tho she's a little neglected, enjoys playing with her two brothers. Maveric finally learned how to climb up on his horse by himself and has managed to stay on even while the horse tries to buck him off!