Thursday, November 29, 2007

Quick update- Keenan went to the Dr. today. His lungs are finally clear. He now weighs 18 and a half pounds (only 20th percentile!). He lost a pound last week, but has put on a couple ounces. Still looks pretty chunky to me though. He is 28 1/2 inches long (55th percentile) and has a normal sized head (45th percentile). Now here comes the bragging- he is at a 12 month level on gross motor, fine motor, and problem solving (don't ask- I have no idea) skills. He started walking and clapping for himself when Dr. Lisa came in just to show off. Mavi sat there and cried and screamed for the first five minutes Dr. Lisa was there, but calmed down enough to get a sticker once she left. Then we went to the mall where he screamed and cried basically the whole time we were there. Does anyone need a 2 year old??? We're willing to rent him out fairly cheap... :) Just kidding. Sort of.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Mavi and Keenan love spinning in the office chair. Keenie gets dizzy much quicker than Mavi and tries to escape .
Mavi's just chillin' with the monkey he got from Aunt Denise and Uncle Chuck, his "sweet baby" who must always be wrapped in a blanket since he only has swimming trunks and no clothes, and his love ya. It's hard to swing wearing a winter coat!

This little stinker takes full advantage of when mommy has her back turned. I bet that's only half of the wipes he managed to get out of the box!

Mavi and his fave cousin, Tyler.

Look Mom- only one hand!

Mavi's other fave- his good girl.

This was just too cute not to post.

As you can see, we have already figured out who the dominant sibling is...

Mavi's awesome b day cake that our friend Josh made for him. He wanted to eat car cake every day for a week.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

OKAY! Tonight I am having Eric put the pics on our computer since the usb cord has mysteriously disappeared. Just for a quick update- Keenan has started WALKING! Yes, our 9 month old started taking steps last weekend and is now officially walking- 3 or 4 steps at a time. He has also sprouted a new tooth on top. Mavi is talking up a storm and repeating everything!! His new phrase is "Oh, my God!" Keenie, Mavi, and I have been in bed almost all last week and over this weekend with a KILLER virus. Keenan had to have a round of steroids, but is starting to get better each day. Mavi is still in the horrible coughing phase of the virus and I'm trying to get him through without steroids. We'll see. Pics soon.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Keenan's fave activity, besides climbing the stairs, is checking out the fridge.

Our little cheeseball.

Keenan can not wait to get his hands on the spoon when we feed him.

I think that's my mom holding the kids on her visit out here. Mavi is attempting to kiss Keenan who is more interested in the camera.

Mavi loves pizza!

So here are some pics from early September. No movies yet, but I'll start putting pics up again. The kids are ok- both have had the flu- actually Mavi currently has the flu...but is on the mend. Keenan is now standing alone, but we haven't gotten him to take a step quite yet. Soon. Mavi is very into the Car show (thanks Nana and Poppa) and the Jungle show (thanks Grandma Rosie). He loves to dance to the music from the Jungle show. I'll put up birthday pics and more recent shots in a day or two.