Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Keenan played so hard that he fell asleep in his little hanging toy activity center. He also sleeps with his eyes partially open like mommy does.
I love to stick out my tongue!

See?! I keep doing it!

On Saturday we did a barbece at Wash Park with a bunch of our friends. Mavi found out that when Mommy and Daddy are trying to talk to their friends and eat and drink beer he can run wild! He begged sips of beer and cookies off of all our friends and was covered with dirt. This is the only pic I got at the bbq cuz it's the only one he would sit still for! Gotta love strollers. I am still thinking about that baby leash! :) jk

A HA! Finally a semi ok posed pic of my two little men!

Somebody loves her new baby!

Still doing magnificent work in the bumbo!

Where's your eye?

I'm a monkey!

Mavi's favorite place in the whole world- OUTSIDE!

Ok, this was hilarious- Mavi and Sasha were wrestling around (the new game he loves to initiate which I'm not sure she enjoys as much) and Sasha did a leap for joy and fell over. Enlarge the pic and you'll see what happened! Enjoy!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Summa Summa Summatime!

These are Mavi's favorite activities- sucking his thumb and laying with his "whoa-whoa," known as a pillow to the rest of the world.

Yay! Keenie is able to sit in his bumbo seat without his head falling backwards and Mommy worrying about him getting whiplash.

So cute. So far this is the only pic I could get them to pose for. Keenan sits pretty still :), but Mavi takes off the second I get the camera ready!

So Happy...

Mavi's friend Maddux brought over some Mott's for tots juice boxes and Mavi took the straw out. Hilarious. Look at that mouthful of teeth!

Such a cutie pie!

Not only can Keenan sit in the bumbo, he loves the exersaucer. Maveric likes pushing him back and forth in it, although I don't know how much Keenan likes that.

Is it officially summer yet? Maveric got some new outside toys which I'm sure you will all be seeing in pictures soon. We have really had a calm, fun two weeks with nothing exciting to report. Hope everyone is well.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Baths, BBQ sauce, and a girlfriend...

Maveric has finally decided to use a spoon. Mommy spent billions of dollars on fun and cute toddler spoons only to find out that Mavi prefers using an adult spoon. At least he is honing those fine motor skills I've been so worried about. :) This is our neighbors grand daughter who was born a week before Mavi. They had a great time together and shared fishes and kisses. Apparently Mavi not only likes adult utensils, he also enjoys adult condiments. He ate about 6 servings of BBQ sauce. I just put it on the table and he used his fingers to slop it up. He also enjoyed it on bananas and bread. Yummy... There comes a point in every baby's life that nekkie pictures must be shown to everyone. It's a right of passage. So here is Keenan's nekkie debut... Despite the deer in the headlights expression, I feel that he thoroughly enjoys bathtime. He especially likes my singing while I put his lotion on afterward. Seriously. This is the peacock we saw in the scary gigantic bird cage at the zoo. This is Mavi trying to climb into the scary gigantic bird cage at the zoo. Where can we buy those baby leashes?? Just Kidding. Here's our little happy chunky man. God, I could just eat him up! Not so great in the exersaucer yet. But give him another month and some better neck control and watch out! Maveric is using the cup I used as a child. First time we've given him a big boy cup with no lid at the dinner table. Only a little water spillage. Another great week. These boys are getting wild and crazy. Still sleep deprived (Eric and I, not the kids), but occasionally Keenan will sleep from 9pm to 6am. YAY- y'all know I love my sleep. Have a fabulous week.