Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Christmas time is here...

On Christmas day we had a massive snowstorm. Something like 8 or 10 inches. BUT it was sooo much fun taking the kids out to play. Keenan's first time in the snow. He did ok but absolutely hated the blowing snow in his face. My dad, Aunt Denise, and Uncle Chuck, all from warm climates were visiting. Lets just say they got their fill of snow. Dad didn't let the cold air and almost foot of snow keep him from wearing shorts though.

Me, Keenan, Eric and Mavi.

My dad helping Keenan ride the adorable zebra my mom sent. So cute- Mavi loves it too.

Eric, Mavi, me, Keenan, my Aunt Denise and my dad in front of our GORGEOUS Frasier fir. The most perfect Christmas tree any of us has ever owned.

Keenie Beanie having a giggle with Aunt Denise.

Aunt Marni gave us their old sled that has a seatbelt. He really did like it even tho he doesn't look that thrilled in the pic.

Mommy and Keenie freezin' our arses off in the cold.

Aunt Denise, Dad, and Keenan

Mavi is too cute in his big boy boots and snowpants. This kid's face will be purple before he wants to come in. He sits outside and eats the snow for 45 minutes at a time.

Another lovely bath pic. Love how Mavi has captured Keenan with his feet.

Although Uncle Chuck doesn't do "little people", he seems to be feeding Keenan his bottle like a pro. I think he's really a closet baby guy.

"My turn, my turn." Mavi fell in love with Uncle Chuck and needed his time alone with him since Keenan took up a huge chunk of "Chuck time" while being fed.

Aunt Jami got the kids (and us!) some great gifts- here's the guitar and Mavi with Cookie Monster. He does this adorable Cookie Monster voice. So cute.

On the zebra again.

We had a terrific Christmas this year. I think we made up for the crappy one last year and this year's sick Thanksgiving. The kids had so much fun seeing Grandpa Steve and Chuck and Denise. Eric had a week off when everyone was visiting so it was really like a family Christmas. Thanks to EVERYONE (especially Dad, C&D, Nana & Poppa, the Schultz's, & Aunt Jami & Dave) for making our holiday time so much freakin' fun! Keenan also got his two front teeth for Christmas! Sort of. They popped in finally since he has the ones on the sides, I am hoping he will start looking less vampire-ish. Mavi is growing and talking so so much. It is hilarious. And it also helps me realize we need to watch everything we say. Today it was "Oh, Jesus." Whoops. We got another 7 inches today so our grand snow total is about 2 feet in the yard. It is hilarious to watch the boys play in it. Tyler and Caleb take turns giving Mavi rides on their sleds. So cute. I also have to say a big thanks to the Davidson-whatever your last names are now clan for making this Christmas lots of fun. If I drink anymore wine I think I may turn into a grape. Take care and we hope your holiday was as sweet as ours was.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just chillin'

For those of you who are unfamiliar with our house's layout, we have an armoire in the entryway with some toys and books. The kids like to open the drawers and take out the toys. Or put Keenan in. This lovely behind greeted me as I came in from getting the mail.

He thought it would be fun to surf on the books. Emergency room visit???? Fortunately I grabbed him just as he was toppling out of the drawer.

Apparently two year olds hate to have their picture taken unless it is their idea. He does not like to do ANYTHING I ask him to do so I have a feeling the pics of Mavi will be few and far between for a while.

Keenan thought he could navigate himself over the stepstool, but thought better of it and went around. This kid is walking everywhere! He only crawls when he wants to go superfast- like to get some dog food or go up the stairs!

And finally, these are Mavi's "ants". He has taken to fixating on a particular set of toys for a few days that must eat, sleep, and do EVERYTHING with. We decided to take a picture of them since he refuses to sit for the camera. I know it is starting to sound as though I am exasperated with this little guy (and I am), BUT we do love him and can only hope this terrible twos thing will only last a short time. Please send booze to help us through. Just joking. Unless you think it will help. :) Take care!!