Monday, June 11, 2007

Fun in the Sun (and in the Mall!)

Keenan has started joining us at the dinner table in a "big boy" seat. We keep him busy with toys so we can have a nice hot meal- FINALLY!
Aunt Jami came to visit. Keenan decided she was awesome and stayed up verrry late having a chat with her.

Mavi is kissing his favorite doggie.

And now he's using her as a pillow. I wonder if she is counting the days until he goes to college.

Give Keenie a kiss.


Mavi loves playing with his new Elmo sprinkler!

So much fun!

Keenan prefers to chew on the Johnny Jumper and let Mavi swing him around instead of bouncing up and down.

Eating a new toy. Yummy.

We went to Colorado Mills Mall with Jami last week and Mavi got his first carousel ride. He loved it. Thank god they had seatbelts on the horses! Keenan has started rolling over although I may never get a pic of it since he does it so quickly. Check up for Keenan tomorrow, so I will add his stats later. Take care! Update: The beanie is now 15 pounds and is 25 and a half inches long. He's dropped to 60th percentile for weight due to his 2 week long cold (but has gained almost two pounds this last month alone) and is now in the 75th percentile for height. Watch out Mavi! Keenan is catching up quickly!