Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We are finally done hibernating...

Momma's little man helping with the dishes.
Again, a table pic- it's the only place that they are both sitting still. My boys do love their spaghettios's!
Keenan has started "winking" at the camera. It really is cute in person although he just looks like he's squinting in the photos. This kid loves loves loves to vacuum with mommy- thanks for the xmas present Nana Bonnie! This is Keenan's timeout place. Looks like he's devastated about being put in there, huh?
Mavi at the zoo. Notice the giant elephant behine him.
Keenan riding on a fake bull at the zoo. Mavi loves the carousel.

Keenan's not so sure about it.

He does love his bottle though!

Apparently I have been hibernating this last month and not posting any pics. Sorry to those of you who check frequently. In my defense we got a new camera and had some difficulty putting pics on our 80 million year old computer. Well. Keenan turned one with a big party at the infamous Chuck E Cheese's. He had a great time and we made a huge mess so I am not going back any time soon. Nana Bonnie and Nana Rosie came out to help us celebrate and the kids loved it! Thanks for all the help and fun guys! I'll post Keenie bday pics soon. Keenan is still running the show here- he thinks he is a tank. I swear to God he just barrels into things and uses his head to push stuff over. He walks everywhere and loves to kick the ball around. Such a cutie! Mavi is talking all the time. His favorite movie this week is Nemo and he loves to go to the "twarium" AKA aquarium. We went with mom and Grandma and it's all he talks about now! Both kids are learning and growing and just enjoying being boys. Sash is still being a great girl and even though we don't talk about her much she's just as cute as can be. Keenan loves to go over and giver her a kiss and hug. He also likes dancing with her, but so far she moves away after about 3 seconds of that.