Wednesday, July 30, 2008 this NORMAL????

So today we went to Chuck E Cheese's with Tyler and Caleb. And Maveric spent the ENTIRE time screaming in a hysterical, bordering on panic voice, "MOMMY????MOMMY!!!!!" WTF?? We were at CEC for pete's sake. Isn't that, like, the one place your kid doesn't care if they see you for hours or at least minutes?? Seriously, I would get two feet away from him and he would freak out. Plus, he loves Ty and Caleb, and I asked him numerous times if he wanted to go with them and he wouldn't. So weird. Maybe he is going through this second, pre-schoolerish separation anxiety. Hmmm. Of course Keenan tried to escape 85 thousand times and tried jumping off of everything, while the other parents gave me dirty looks for letting the toddler do whatever he wanted, even if it meant jumping on THEIR child, and holding on to the bigger kid for dear life, since shrieking ensued every time I stepped away. WHATEVER! Then we went to the mall and ate giant, frosting covered cookies. Maveric looks like a smurf from the blue icing. Tyler actually said that to Mavi and he goes, "What's a smurf?" Jeez. I can't believe my kid doesn't know what a smurf is. We gotta get on that. Any advice, let me know...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Introducing...(drumroll) BUGS BUNNY!

Our other little bundle of bunny love- Bugs.

Mavi and Eric getting ready for Mavi's first Rockie's game. I imagine there will be many more photos of "firsts" in front of this front door.

Mav and Daddy at the game.

This is the boys' fave pasttime. Tyler and Caleb push them around the cul de sac. Keenan is wearing his helmet because he stands up (with the seatbelt on!) and yells hysterically down the hill towards our house. It is hilarious.

When will the nuk be gone? When, people, when?????

Our superstar swimmers in the freezin' cold pool. Love Mavi's "say cheese" smile.

I do love summer. We have gone to the pool a ton, thanks to Gma Kerri. The kids love the baby pool, but Keenan is still having trouble keeping on his feet. Lord, that kid makes me insane! I feel like he's about to break a limb every five seconds. His new thing is jumping. Off of things. Like the couch. Or his crib. I think I may need to have him sleep in his helmet. Mavi is doing awesome with the potty training, but due to mine and Eric's laziness, it's taking longer than expected. Apparently, we need to communicate to one another about this whole process and what our expectations are and how it works, otherwise this poor kid and his brother will be in diapers until they are 10. ANYHOOO...all the pets are good, but not enjoying the heat- it's been in the 90's for like a whole month. YIKES. Keenie has started talking a little more. It's so funny how he says random things. Today he handed me a little tikes airplane and goes "a-pane?". Too cute. Here's a funny convo I had with Mav the other day.

Mavi: Do you put lemon juice in my mouth when I spit? (He's been spitting lately and YES, I did that too him. Not a lot.)

Me: Yes. When you spit on people, I put lemon juice in your mouth.

Mavi: People put lemon juice in my mouth. But animals don't.

Me: No, animals don't put lemon juice in your mouth.

Mavi: No, cuz I don't spit on animals. I like animals.

Me: mmm-hmmm....

Mavi: Can we go to the zoo tomorrow?

This kid is too much. My friend Lesley thinks he's a smart kid and I have to say I agree with her.

Friday, July 18, 2008

4th of July

Ahhh yes..... Keenan was absolutely thrilled with his stylin' 4th of July swimsuit. He got even happier when I inserted the flotation device. :)

Daddy, Mavi, and the Beanster getting ready to watch fireworks.

Our 4th of July companions, from the left: Mike, Maegan, Missy, and Micah.

Mommy, Mavi, and Keenie at fireworks.

Mavi appeared to enjoy his swimming attire MUCH more than our little crazy man. He had a great time splashing around in the Miro's pool. We ate a little, drank a little, and had LOTS of a good time. Fireworks went ok, but after 3 minutes a fire started and we had to leave so the firetruck could come. Maybe next year!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Additions to the family...

What is it with little boys and rocks??? Mavi and Keenan climbing on a giant rock at the zoo.

Mavi posing with the goslings and their mommy and dad.

ONE of our new bunnies... This is Mavi holding Dorie (like from Finding Nemo). Sasha is helping to catch the poop that inevitabley falls from scared bunnies behinds.

A full body shot of Dorie.

Cheesin' for the camera.

Keenie, Ben, and Mavi on the carousel at the zoo.

After being teased a little about not reproducing in (gasp!) 16 whole months, I came to the conclusion that an addition to the family was long overdue. Unfortunately I seemed to forget a conversation Eric and I recently had about his opposition to bunnies as pets and accepted not one, but TWO bunnies from a neighbor. They are sooooo cute tho! We only got shots of Dorie, but will soon be posting Bugs also. Bugs is a whitish gray bunny- adorable. Sasha seems to feel that they are the babies she never had and spends most of her time whining to see them. When I finally do get them out she is busy cleaning them and trying to carry them by the scruff of their necks. Mavi absolutely adores them and asks every morning if we still have his bunnies. Afraid his daddy will let them go in the night, maybe??? Keenan just screams at them in his excited voice and tries to pick them up while I yell at Sasha to leave them alone. Anyway I have been slacking in the pic department so will try to take more. Like always. Kids are wonderful. Eric and I are wonderful. Sasha is a bit of a pain in the a** lately, but still cute as a button. Take care!