Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I hate vista!

So Lyle and my mom got us this cute little video camera that is really easy to use and it has about 50 videos of the kids on it. Weeelllll, I can't figure out HOW to get the videos onto the computer because apparently Windows vista is a pain in the a**! So I am attempting today to get this figured out. Please stand by for cute nekkie videos...

Monday, April 21, 2008


Here is our cutie pootie talking on his cell phone. Like the hair cut? Mommy's Beauty Shop...

Mavi snoozing on his favorite lovey (pillow) cover from Nana Rosie.

Who drank it all? It seems to be empty. Maybe there's one drop left.

Nope, that mommy got all the wine.

Here is Mavi having the most fun he's had in a while. It is seldom that we get a smiling pic of him so please, enjoy. He love love loves to paint, but it usually ends in a MAJOR meltdown so I don't let him do it often. What an adorable cheese ball.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Alas, once again we are ILL! WTF??? Our little buddy Diego got back from Mexico, only to leave us again with a sickness called Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD). This poor kid has been sick a lot lately so I feel for him and his mommy and daddy. But then my kiddos got the HFMD and it SUCKS! And now I feel sorry for us. My poor babies have had big fevers and are waiting to get this rash and oozing blisters in their mouths! That's right, rash and oozing blisters. I'm hoping they just got the fever and we can forget about the other ickiness. Fingers crossed. And Chlorox out. We've had some amazing weather- 80 degrees for 2 days (Jami and I sat outside at 5 pm in lounge chairs drinking beers- c'mon summer) and then snow the next day. The kids absolutely love playing in our water table and being outside. I can not wait til summer. One kink in our summer fun- SNAKES. We actually had a snake on the porch last weekend. It scared the sh*t out of me cuz at first I thought it was a toy and than thought, hmmm, we don't have a toy that looks like that. After much screaming and a few calls to the IA relatives who LIVE IN THE COUNTRY AND SHOULD KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH SNAKES (thanks for the help guys) I decided to let the snake go to Marni's yard and enjoy his afternoon over there. Hopefully no more snakies for us. EWWWWWWWWWWWW. Anyway. We are alive and not well, but hopefully will be soon.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sorry guys, no pics...

Ok, as I said last post, I only had a moment to put photos up so... here is a written update on what the kiddos are doing and our latest happenings. Mavi is now almost 2 and a half. He is a talkative genius of course. His big thing now, besides telling us what we can't say at our house (f**k is a naughty word mom, pi**ed off is a naughty word mom), is using his imagination. It's pretty cool to see him "get" stuff. It is so amazing how quickly they grasp the world around them and incorporate it into their own view. He is an awesome kid who is funny and loves to have fun. Keenan is now almost 14 months old. He is a wild and crazy boy who will probably be jumping out of a plane for his 18th birthday. This kid will try anything and loves the teletubbies (tubbies) right now. He is very active and physically advanced for his age, and is working on talking and pointing to body parts. His vocab includes: momma, dada, navi (maveric), tubbies, yes, sit... and a lot I haven't figured out yet. He know where his tongue, mouth, nose, eyes, hair, and feet are. Eric and I are enjoying having some family time and can't wait for the summer. At least I can't wait for it. Anyway, that's what goin' on in our neck o' the woods.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Keenan turned 1! AND we went to Nebraska (see Jace's blog for complete details) :)

Jace and Keenan chillin in the stoller at the Omaha Zoo.

Mavi really loved this place even tho he doesn't look that thrilled.

Mavi really wanted to go on this rickety, old, very high, scary bridge. Thank God Aunt Cari isn't a big scaredy cat like mommy.

Ahhhhh... how we love cake in this family.

We decided to let Keenan get a tattoo for his birthday. Blue and on the face. Lovely.

The ONE pic I got of us visiting the aquarium with Nana Bonnie and Nana Rosie. Thanks for coming out for the big bday. The boys loved it!

Keenan eating breakfast.

Mavi eating breakfast.

Opening bday gifts.

Is this the coolest cake or what??

Keenan has discovered his talent for going down the slide.

At Keenan's bday party.

Happy birthday baby!

I have just a minute to post these pics so I'll write an update later!