Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Big Boy Bed and Smiles!

There he goes... Mommy can always get Keenie to smile Keenan's smiling again! First time we caught it on camera. Nice boob shot too!
A bronco fan already...
Rock star Mavi with a mohawk
Again, Keenan is thrilled to have our playmate Maddux over
Mavi and Maddux eating lunch
He actually slept in the fire truck bed the first night
Hip hip hooray! Mavi loves his new big boy bed
Ok, HALLELUJAH winter is OVER!
Keenan and Mavi have had an exciting week. Keenan has started letting us take pictures of him smiling. And boy, is it a cute smile or what??? I even have some better shots for next week. Sorry about the cleavage, bad angle. Maveric got his big boy bed and did great going to sleep in it for the first few nights. Then he figured out that he can climb out of it and play with toys. Boo. After a couple rough nights (me finding him on the floor asleep), I hope he will realize that his bed is way more comfortable than the floor. We'll see... Mavi is still enjoying his friend Maddux, but Keenan is not quite as thrilled. We had some great weather last week so we got to explore the yard and check out the dirt. Thank god for Oxiclean.


Jace and Lexa said...

Hi guys-
Winter isn't over for us! It is snowing here today! Mommy's schools got cancelled so she got to work in Cedar Falls today--yay! Keenan--my grandma Fraune saw your picture and she thinks we look alike. What do you think? I love your smile. Mav-I can't wait to have a big boy bed like you--will you show it to me when I visit you this summer?

Ben said...

You should get Keenan a Michigan shirt so he can be a "leader and best."

What is that white shit outside?