Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Because I have a minute...

but only a quick minute, I will update, but no pics yet. So sorry- I'll have Eric do it tonight. Well, today was a big milestone. Our fabulous Aunt Missy, Micah's gf, watched the Beanie while I helped out at Mavi's school. Keenan has only been watched by himself by Aunt Kerri, and while I was a little nervous, I knew he would be in good hands today. I think he had a pretty good time. Apparently Missy took him to not one, but 3 playgrounds and let him play at all of them. She taught him how to roll down the hill, and probably focused a little more attention on him than I get to, considereing I have 3 toddlers. And did he run and give me a giant hug when I got home?? NO. He ran to Diego and gave HIM a bear hug. Hmph. So while Missy and Keenan were rolling down hills, I was at preschool, trying not to have a heart attack while Mavi covered himself and THE WALLS AND FLOOR in paint. I actually had to ask if I could go outside instead of taking deep breaths while trying not to scream "Oh my god NO, what are you doing?" while the painting was taking place. Who knew it would be that hard to watch your child be creative? It wouldn't have been so bad if it was watercolors of something easy to get out of clothing. Nope. Gold and Navy blue tempra paint. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. The kids both have ear/eye infections and are on medication to clear it up. I actually got to sleep all night long last night, which is a first for about the last two weeks. I sort of wondered what was wrong with them and then was like, oh yeah, they sleep through the night when they aren't sick. Yay! Take care and I promise to post pics soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As we all know...

I am not really a very political person. But this is actually the FIRST time I am really excited about where our county can become. I'm really hopeful that our country is going to do it's best to be a positive place for my little boys to grow up. On a side note, Mavi thinks every time my phone rings it's Barrack Obama with his present (apparently president sounds like present to a 3 year old.) Anyway, yay for us as a country for doing the appropriate, intelligent thing. Maybe it can become a trend.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boo Flu

Well, I am now big advocate of NOT getting the flu shot. My poor little Beanie is having such a hard time with it. Fever, chills, and fussiness. Boo. Mavi told a story to his teacher this morning that I have to share. He wrote me a letter and this is what it says. Dear Mom, Hey teacher Laurie- I want to tell you something. I had a dream about my mom pooping on the grass last night. Yeah, she pooped on the grass. And there was a magnet thing in it. It stuck to stuff. It wasn't a scary dream. Love, Mavi OMG. Can you say embarrassed. You would have thought I actually did poop on the grass. Go Obama.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Mavi had his 3 year checkup today with Dr. Lisa. We absolutely love her and honestly, he thinks it's a special treat to go and chat with her. Especially since he got no shots today. He got his flu vaccine through a nasal spray. Keenan had to get it through the shot as he's not quite 2 yet, but he did great and only cried as I held him down for the shot. Maveric has finally joined the other ranks of 3 year olds and is on the chart for weight! Yippeeee. He is 27 pounds which puts him in the 10th percentile and is 37 inches long, which is 50th percentile. Apparently his head is no longer measured, but his birthmark is measured and recorded. It's still the same size overall with no evidence of fading. Usually mongolian spots fade with age, but that's on kids with dark skin, whose skin generally gets darker as they age. Apparently mongolian spots haven't been studied much on whitey white kids, but nobody seems to worried about it, so I have decided not to be either. Mavi is great on all of his "skills" (nunchuck skills, bowstaff skills, etc. ) except for fine motor. Dr. Lisa advised putting him in an art class or getting him evaluated and going to occupational therapy IF he needs it. I am putting him in art in January, so I think we'll wait for 6 months and see how it goes. Unless anyone has any other ideas. She asked him tons of questions and of course when she asked "What does mommy do when you do something naughty?" he goes, "she yells!" Then he smiled at me and said "And puts me in timeout." The little traitor. At least he didn't say "She beats my ass." That would have been a bit more embarrassing. Not that I do. But the threat is always there, right Jami?? Anyway. Trick or treating was fun, and they both seemed to like getting candy. Keenan kept trying to go into people's houses after they answered the door, because, well, that's what we usually do. And Maveric got a little cold that night. So after eating a treat from Darlene that was 60 grams of sugar! at 8 o'clock at night, he slept nil on Friday. Which meant so did I. Saturday was one of those watch tv and lay around kinda days. I'll post some Halloween pics tomorrow. Take care. Also please send some good karma to our good friends, Mike, Karla, and Mikey. If you want to join the fundraiser for them you can visit Jace's blog and click on the Marathon for a Month icon. They are a terrific, caring, positive family dealing with some medical issues and could use some help. Thanks!