Thursday, June 5, 2008

Iowa Trip Pics!!!

Keenan and Mavi playing on a pile of lime at Nana Rosie's house

Kennie and Mavi in their Hawkeye gear at Nana's house.

Mavi, Jace, and Keenan loved Nana Rosie's back door on the garage. Jace and Keenan even took turns licking it!
Poppa Lyle, Eric, Mavi and Jace playing on the enormous lawn at Nana Rosie's.

Mavi helping Poppa Lyle blow out his bithday candles. He's 39. Again.:)

Me, Keenie, Jace, Cari, and Mavi checking out the cows at Nana Rosie's neighbors house.

Jace and Mavi feeding the cows.

Mavi and his "friend cousin" Jacob.

Levi, Keenan, Me, Mavi, Myriah, and the karate kid Jacob.

This is a great pic of Keenie, Mavi, and Jace jumpin' on the bed. Notice how much Jace is jumping.

Nana Bonnie opening her mother's ring.

Jacob and Mavi FINALLY fell asleep at mdnight!