Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sorry guys, no pics...

Ok, as I said last post, I only had a moment to put photos up so... here is a written update on what the kiddos are doing and our latest happenings. Mavi is now almost 2 and a half. He is a talkative genius of course. His big thing now, besides telling us what we can't say at our house (f**k is a naughty word mom, pi**ed off is a naughty word mom), is using his imagination. It's pretty cool to see him "get" stuff. It is so amazing how quickly they grasp the world around them and incorporate it into their own view. He is an awesome kid who is funny and loves to have fun. Keenan is now almost 14 months old. He is a wild and crazy boy who will probably be jumping out of a plane for his 18th birthday. This kid will try anything and loves the teletubbies (tubbies) right now. He is very active and physically advanced for his age, and is working on talking and pointing to body parts. His vocab includes: momma, dada, navi (maveric), tubbies, yes, sit... and a lot I haven't figured out yet. He know where his tongue, mouth, nose, eyes, hair, and feet are. Eric and I are enjoying having some family time and can't wait for the summer. At least I can't wait for it. Anyway, that's what goin' on in our neck o' the woods.

1 comment:

Jace and Lexa said...

I'm counting down the days till you guys get here. Lets run down the hall in your hotel--I finally learned how!