Monday, April 21, 2008


Here is our cutie pootie talking on his cell phone. Like the hair cut? Mommy's Beauty Shop...

Mavi snoozing on his favorite lovey (pillow) cover from Nana Rosie.

Who drank it all? It seems to be empty. Maybe there's one drop left.

Nope, that mommy got all the wine.

Here is Mavi having the most fun he's had in a while. It is seldom that we get a smiling pic of him so please, enjoy. He love love loves to paint, but it usually ends in a MAJOR meltdown so I don't let him do it often. What an adorable cheese ball.

1 comment:

Jace and Lexa said...

Your mommy is on a roll with the posts! Hope you guys are feeling better! Can't wait to see you soon!!