Wednesday, July 30, 2008 this NORMAL????

So today we went to Chuck E Cheese's with Tyler and Caleb. And Maveric spent the ENTIRE time screaming in a hysterical, bordering on panic voice, "MOMMY????MOMMY!!!!!" WTF?? We were at CEC for pete's sake. Isn't that, like, the one place your kid doesn't care if they see you for hours or at least minutes?? Seriously, I would get two feet away from him and he would freak out. Plus, he loves Ty and Caleb, and I asked him numerous times if he wanted to go with them and he wouldn't. So weird. Maybe he is going through this second, pre-schoolerish separation anxiety. Hmmm. Of course Keenan tried to escape 85 thousand times and tried jumping off of everything, while the other parents gave me dirty looks for letting the toddler do whatever he wanted, even if it meant jumping on THEIR child, and holding on to the bigger kid for dear life, since shrieking ensued every time I stepped away. WHATEVER! Then we went to the mall and ate giant, frosting covered cookies. Maveric looks like a smurf from the blue icing. Tyler actually said that to Mavi and he goes, "What's a smurf?" Jeez. I can't believe my kid doesn't know what a smurf is. We gotta get on that. Any advice, let me know...

1 comment:

Jace and Lexa said...

how many bunnies do you have. i saw 2 of them. what are there names and what kind are they, they look cool. cant wait to see you guys
j man