Friday, September 7, 2007

More Cuteness

I am not diggin in the garbage. I swear.

Three little monkeys.

Mavi started to show me his muscles but ended up laughing at Keenie Bean instead.

Oreo's are yummy.

I can climb on the fireplace.

Thank you Aunt Marni. Keenan loves to watch this little Elmo do the Hokey Pokey and spin around.

Wooden spoons are yummy...

So are plastic spoons...

So the kiddos have been good these last few weeks. Keenan is constantly in the dog bowls. I swear to God he's in there more than the dog! He is crawling up the stairs now, so I've reintroduced the baby gates. Ahhh how Mavi loves having a baby around. :) He is so pissed that he has to share his toys and isn't able to freely roam the house right now. I am constantly hearing "no, no baby- that's mine!" Mavi's intestinal situation has gotten much better since eliminating milk and milk products from his diet. Thank god. Sash went to the vet earlier this week and is 8 pounds overweight- she now weighs 59 pounds. Poor girl, don't we all have to go on a diet? UGH! Anyway, all is good and Eric starts his new job next week. YAY!

1 comment:

Jace and Lexa said...

Keenan--I love wooden spoons too!! They are fun to bang around and try and poke your (or your mommy's) eye with! And Maveric--looks like you have some big muscles!! I can't wait to be as big as you--next month--Just kidding dude! I hope you guys are having fun with your visitors. Say hi for me. Later cuz's,
J Will

P.S. Tell your Mommy that my Mommy knows she called the other night but she forgot it was my Mommy's SHOWER TIME!! :) She will call her soon!