Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New cute pics- a quickie

Is he not the most adorable baby in the whole wide world?

Mavi has a way of looking like the biggest goofball whenever I bring the camera out!

Did Mom get out all of the shampoo?

I love the big boy tub!!!

Mavi goofin' around with good girl.

I think it's a rite of passage in our house to get a photo taken while french kissing the dog.

Keenie loves Sasha!

Dr. Lisa suggested we just put Keenan's food on the table and let him use his fingers to scoop it up since he HATES when we feed him. We did that once. Thanks for the great advice. :)

Ok, so I have a ton of new pics but only have time to put a few on right now. These are the kiddos lovin' up on Sasha, our good girl, and babies in the tub. Keenan has since given up his little tub seat and crawls and splashes all over the big tub. He had his 6 month checkup and is 17.4 pounds and is 26 and a half inches long. Only 5 pounds to go til he and Mavi weigh the same- I think it'll happen before the 1st b-day.


Tyler and Caleb said...

Ummmmm, I don't have a picture french kissing the dog...

Jace and Lexa said...

You can sure tell we're related--lovin' baths and dogs--that's me too! Love ya!
J Will