Saturday, July 14, 2007

Houston...we have a crawler!

Here he goes...

What a big boy. This was taken at almost 5 months old.

Sasha had a barfy day too (she threw up twice). So here's a pic of my two sick babies loungin' on the couch.

Keenan has started CRAWLING!!!!! For a day or so it was the rocking back and forth on the hands and knees. Then he just started going. He can only travel a few feet, but I have found him under the coffee table, halfway under the couch, and in a few other not so safe places. Mavi is getting a little better each day (he's been pretty sick all week) and his temp was down to 101 this morning. YAY!


Jace and Lexa said...

rough week up here dudes, i love car rides and do good on the short one hour ones they are no sweat now days. hope you are feeling better mavi and sasha. ozzy says woof woof
love to all

Jace and Lexa said...