Monday, July 9, 2007

Has it been a month??? Holy Cow!

Fourth of July night. Mavi finally fell asleep at 10:10, but was of course up bright and early at 7.
First time painting with actual paints, not the crayola color wonder stuff that doesn't get anywhere it shouldn't. Let's just say this was interesting and we'll wait a little while before trying again. Mavi looking at giraffes on Uncle Doug's shoulders. Cari, Jace (in stroller), Doug/Mavi, Dad, and Me/Keenan. At the giraffe area in the zoo.

Our little man chillin' in the baby bjorn with his shades on.

Grandpa Steve helping Mavi get a drink of water. Mavi was not too thrilled about having to wear the dorky hat, but it was like 800 degrees outside so a hat was needed.

Keenan was wiped out after we left the zoo.

Nana Bonnie got Mavi this drum for Christmas and he loves to wear it like a helmet because he can bonk into things. Just a little butt shot of him wearing the helmet while nekkie. Ahhhh, can't wait to get these out during the high school years when he pisses us off.

Mavi and Daddy in the pool.

We keep trying to give Keenie food but every time he just hates it, as you can tell by the food all over his body and none in his mouth. We'll try again next week.

He is such a happy little guy. Loves the exersaucer. Especially if someone is talking to him.

Keenan and Grandpa lounging in the backyard.

Mavi LOVES to spin in the office chair and get so dizzy he can't walk. This is pre-spin so his eyes aren't all crazy yet.

Going down our fancy waterslide. :)

We're pretty sure Sasha doesn't mind when Mavi rides her. She's such a good girl. This is Mavi's friend Diego cheesin' for the camera.

Sleepy Keenan. Check out the rolls. And man boobs.

Keenan is chewing on absolutely anything he can get in his mouth. Including Sasha's ears. YIKES. She definitely was not pleased about that new development. Sorry it's been soooo long since we last posted. Although it seems like we're just hangin' out at the house, stuff is sooo busy. Eric and I have actually managed to go to a few social events without the kids! Doug, Cari, Jace, Ozzie, and my Dad all came out over the fourth and we had a good time. Cari, who is a much more efficent picture take than I am, will have loads of trip photos. The kids loved their cousin Jace and seeing Grandpa Steve. Mavi also cozied right up to Cari (I think he actually ignored me when she was around) and loved being chased around by Doug. Keenan is now doing tons of stuff! Rolling over both ways, scooting (this kid is going to crawl any day now) and getting a tooth-on top-instead of middle bottom. Maveric is enjoying summer for the most part and his vocabulary is growing daily. He actually found a worm today and I almost had a heart attack after he brought it over to me. I HATE worms. He kept saying wo-orm, wo-orm all day long. So cute. So that's it for now. I promise to do at least once a week for a while. Take care! Remember to buy from the ice cream truck- it's summer!

1 comment:

Jace and Lexa said...

Keenan dude--slow down man! I don't think kids are supposed to be ready to crawl at 4 1/2 months!! You are a crazy cat! I miss you guys!! It was so fun to have cousin time!! Maveric--I want to be JUST like you. Later cuz's